
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 14:33:28
您好!我是来自**地方,我2008年毕业于**大学,毕业后在**公司从事数据通信相关工作,已经有一年的时间了。我认为我的C/C++技术还不错,此外我对数据结构、SQL Server数据库都比较熟悉。由于我工作中涉及到了tcp通信,因此我也学到了不少tcp协议方面的东西。此外,在工作中,我还接触到了VxWorks嵌入式实时操作系统,并认真做过一定程度的研究。我觉得我的优势是基本功底扎实,容易接受新事物,有远大的志向和为之奋斗的恒心。谢谢!!

Hello! ** I am from, I graduated from in 2008 ** University after graduation in the ** associated companies are involved in data communications, has been a whole year's time. I think that my C / C + + technology is also good, in addition to my data structure, SQL Server database are more familiar with. Since I am involved in the work of the tcp communication, so I also learned a lot of things tcp protocol. In addition, at work, I have access to the VxWorks embedded real-time operating system, and serious research done to some extent. I think the advantage I have is the basic foundation of a solid, easy to accept new things, have a long-term ambition and perseverance to strive for. Thanks! !