
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 10:29:24
提示:1 我叫林涛,第九中学的学生,想和你交笔友
2 爱好游泳和集邮
3 2006年开始学习英语,已经学了3年多
4 我对英语老师很感兴趣,将来想成为一名英语老师
5 老师说我的英语听力不好,请问该如何提高

努力学习 更上一层楼,愿上帝保佑你 God bless 有!

Hello,I am very glad to see you and could make pen friends with you.
I am Lin Tao and studying in Nomber nine Middle Mchool , I like
swiming and collecting tickets.I studying English since 2006,and It is
my favourite among all the subjects.I adore my English teacher very much
and want to be a English teacher .once He said that others envied you
when you Spoke a fluent English .My teacher told me that my listening
is not very well,and can you tell me hao to improve it.
OK , nice to meet you and I believe we Will become the best friends.
God bless you .

归根到底还是得过词汇这一关,听听力的时候你不要仅仅就提论题,拿出草稿纸和笔,把你所能听到的内容全部记下来.然后再和原文比较,看看有多大的出入.还有就是多听听英文歌,学唱.至于做笔友么.可以寄到乐山外国语学校高2011级文科班 Mango
