
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 01:47:04
But however much the world may want to see 23 million people released from the grip of a detestable regime, the possibility discomfits some South Koreans. Reeling from the global economic crisis, they aren’t sure they can afford sudden reunification. And it absolutely petrifies China, which likes having a buffer state not allied with the U.S. between itself and the south.
Even if Kim dies tomorrow, what will come next in North Korea might not be radically different. “Do not conflate the end of the Kim regime with the end of North Korea as a state,” says Andrew Scobell, a political scientist from Texas A&M University, who wrote a paper for the pentagon last year assessing the North’s future. Baek Seung Joo, who watches North Korea at the Korea institute for Defense Analysis, says, “We have been through a transition before.” When Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il’s father, died suddenly in 1994, Kim Jong Il succeeded with little apparent problem. “Outsiders,” Beak says, “constantly unde


但是,无论世界上可能希望看到2300万人民释放出的抓地力的可恶政权的可能性, discomfits一些韩国。缫丝从全球经济危机,他们不知道他们可以负担的费用突然统一。它绝对petrifies中国,喜欢有一个缓冲国不与美国的盟国之间和南方。 

     即使金正日去世明天,那么接下来在北朝鲜可能并不完全不同。 “不要混为一谈月底金正日政权的结束朝鲜作为一个国家说, ”安德鲁史考贝尔,政治科学家从德克萨斯A & M大学,谁写了一份文件,要求五角大楼去年评估朝鲜的未来。白承柱,谁手表北韩在韩国国防研究院分析说, “我们一直在通过之前的过渡。 ”当金日成,金正日的父亲突然去世于1994年,金正日几乎没有明显的成功问题。 “外人” ,嘴说: “不断地低估了耐用性,这是政府的。 ” 


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