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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 06:51:34
This is Heather. Maybe you can't remember me. So... I will introduce myself first~
I'm Heather. From Class 99. My English is not very good ,also not bad(I think). Love basketball ,but no 【Clutch the Bear】>A<
Yesterday I‘m busy for make an impression on you(Our English teacher said:make an impression on people is an successful job!). But I don't know It is an good impression or an bad impression. Tell me please~ Don't tell me a lie~
About telephone that we talked. Could you remember it? American school and Chinese school. I'm really very surprised. Beacause headmaster Mr.Liu told us American students can't bring telephone to school, Or they'll had an big trouble. Do you know two chinese saying? "天下的乌鸦一般黑"and"英雄所见略同". Means "Crows are black all over the world"and"heroes have similar views".Which one do you think American students and Chinese students are? I thi

This is Heather. Maybe you had forgotten aboutme.Soi will introduce myself.
I'm Heather.From Class 99.My English is good nor bad.Love basketball ,but no 【Clutch the Bear】>A<
Yesterday I‘m busy for making an impression on you(Our English teacher said:make an impression on people is an successful job!). But I don't know It is an good impression or an bad impression. Tell me please~ Don't lie.
About the conversation we talk,could you remember?American schools and Chinese schools.I'm really very surprised. Beacause headmaster Mr.Liu told us American students can't bring handphones to school,or,they may get into trobles. Do you know chinese saying? "天下的乌鸦一般黑"and"英雄所见略同". Means "Crows are black all over the world"and"heroes have similar views".Which do you think American students and Chinese students are? I think is "heroes have similar views"HAHA~