
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 00:40:57
1.those who recognize problems as a human condition and don’t measure happiness by an absence of problems are the most intelligent kind of humans we know ;also ,the most rare.

2.And he knew how ashamed he would have been if she had known his mother and the kind of place in which he was born , and the kind of people among whom he was born.

3.When Smith was drunk, he used to beat his wife and daughter; and the next moring,with a headache ,he would rail at the world for its neglect of his genius,and abuse ,with a good deal of cleverness,and sometimes with perfect reason,the fools,his brother painters.
一楼的,你完全是再逗我耍撒,你这样拿到在线翻译网站这么一输入 谁不会啊 ,你读一下 能通吗?你至少也给整和一下 也好麻人一些撒,

1. 承认问题存在并不以问题的存在来度量快乐的人,是我们所知道的最聪明也是最少有的人。

2. 他知道如果她认识了他的母亲并且知道了他在什么样的地方和人群中出生,那他会是多么地无地自容。

3. 当史密斯喝醉了的时候,他会殴打他的妻子和女儿,而次日清晨在隐隐的头痛中,他又会斥骂这个世界无视他的天赋,而巧妙地有时又是冠冕堂皇地滥用他的那些油漆匠兄弟,那些傻瓜。


1.这些承认问题作为人类的条件和不快乐的问题是最聪明的人,我们知道,也最率。 2。,他知道该多么丢人的应该是他如果让她知道他的母亲,在这种地方,他出生在这一类人中间,他出生。 3。当史密斯喝醉了,他用来打败了他的妻子和女儿;然后早上,头痛,他会因其栏杆忽视他的天才,滥用,与大量的聪明,有时用完美的原因,他弟弟的傻瓜们画家。

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