English 单词填空(急)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/03 08:29:23
4.付费电话在邮局后面。The pay phone is ________ ________ _______ .
5.只需沿着城南路直走,在城南路右边。Just go ________ ________ Chengnan Street_____ the right.
7.在第一大道左转,享受城市街道的宁静。_______ left_______First Anvue and______ the city's_______ streets.
11.她很害羞,所以请保持安静。She is ______ , ______ please ______ ______ .
12.他通常每天睡觉和休息20小时。He usually _______ and _______ 20 hours ________ ______ .
13.Bridge Street 是个玩乐的好地方。Bridge Street is a good _______ to _______ _______ .
14.如果你饿了,你可以在超市里买些事物。_______________________________________ .一整句话)


4.The pay phone is(behind the post office)
5.Just go (straight along) Chengnan Street (on )the right
7.(Turn) left at first avenue and (enjoy )the city's (quiet )streets
10.He (sleeps during the day, but at night gets up and eats leaves.)
11.She is (shy ) ,(so) please (keep quiet)
12.He usually (sleeps )and (relaxes )20 hours (every day )
13.Bridge Street is a good (place)to(have fun).
14.If you are hungry, you can buy some things in the supermarket.