谁有关于新农村建设方面的中英文文章 急 啊 谢谢啊

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 07:25:27
中英文的都要 写毕业论文 图书馆不开 没办法啊谢谢

The production, sale and use of plastic shopping bags 0.025 millimeters thick or thinner will be banned, and retailers will be prohibited from providing customers with free plastic bags, under a State Council decree released in January.Many are doubtful about the fate of such a ban - because people are so accustomed to receiving free plastic bags to pack their purchases at check-out counters. Complaints about inconvenience and additional cost have caused some to presume the ban will be aborted or at least not enforced