
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/06 15:54:06
17.款名为《Wii Fit》的体感动作游戏。玩家需要站在板上依照屏幕上的操作提示保持平衡,可以在板上练习瑜伽功或跳动感舞蹈操,看来是一款为家庭主妇和女士们设计的健身游戏,相信光是这个卖点就够任天堂卖上几百万套游戏了。

19.Xbox 360是世界最大的计算机软件公司微软所开发的第二代家用视频游戏主机.除了玩游戏之外,Xbox 360还具有听音乐、看图片以及和世界其他地方的朋友和家人实时视频聊天等其它娱乐功能。'Xbox 360'还可以用来放映DVD影碟。

20.PlayStation 3 (PLAYSTATION 3) 是由索尼电脑娱乐所开发的家用游戏机,位于同公司PlayStation、PlayStation 2的后继位置。

21.Wii 是日本任天堂公司(nintendo)2006年11月6日所推出的家用游戏主机.‘Wii’听起来像是‘we’(,发音亦相同,强调该主机‘老少咸宜’、能让全家大小都乐在其中的概念。名称中的“ii”不仅象征著其独特设计的控制器,也代表人们聚在一起同乐的形象。 "


17. Money called "Wii Fit does" body moved for games. Players need to stand on the board in accordance with the operating hints on screen, can be in balance on practice yoga or beating feeling, appears to be a dance for housewives and ladies design fitness game, believe in the selling on the nintendo sold millions is enough of the game.

Then psu on Xbox 360 is the world's biggest computer software company, Microsoft has developed the second home video game console. Besides playing games outside, still have hear music psu on Xbox 360, pictures and other parts of the world, and the real-time video chat to friends and family and other recreational function. 'psu on Xbox 360' can also be used to show DVD.

PlayStation 3 PlayStation (20) (3) is developed by SONY computer entertainment in the console, PlayStation and PlayStation 2 with company of subsequent position.

Nintendo Wii. Nintendo company (Japan), 6 November 2006 of home games