
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 08:00:44
2、要举出一个例子说明小雷的贫穷和学习精神,如买不起5元钱一本的练习册{exercise book}......
3、展开联想 适当发挥
提示词:change,be not paid well【工资不高],afford,lend,return,from then on,value{珍惜},top


I'm a student who is not interested in studying before Grade 8. But one day a new student who named xiaolei came into our class and become my deskmate ,his father has to work in city to afford their family ,he is not paid well, His appearence changed my idea , because his hard studying situation and studying attitude encourage me to study hard .
That day , after school , I was going home when he said to me ,"Could you lend me your exercise book? I have time ,I want to use a night ." "But you could buy one " I said . "Sorry, I can't afford it , my father works hard , I don't want him to be in trouble . " I said nothing and lent mine to him . The next day , he returned the exercise to me .
From then on ,I understand I made a mistake about my studying attitude. I should value that all I own , and I decide to study hard and to be a good student .