
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 03:44:54
雌激素受体(ESR)是一种与特定激素应答DNA元件相结合的激活转录因子,它广泛存在于各种动物体内,参与动物性腺组织基因的表达与调控。本研究采用PCR-SSCP和测序的方法检测肉鸽ESR基因某一片段的多态性,并将其单核苷酸多态性与产蛋性能进行相关性分析,探索不同基因型与肉鸽产蛋性能之间的关系,旨在从候选功能基因层次揭示肉鸽产蛋性能分子遗传机理,为肉鸽新品系的选育提供可借鉴的遗传资料。结果显示:对于ESR基因突变杂合基因型(AB)年产蛋数比纯合基因型(AA)多 0.7857只,差异不显著(P>0.05)。

Estrogen receptor (ESR) is a hormone with a specific DNA response element to activate a combination of transcription factors, which widely exists in a variety of animals, animal sex organizations involved in gene expression and regulation. In this study, PCR-SSCP method and sequencing of a fragment of meat pigeon ESR gene polymorphism and single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with the laying performance analysis, and explore different genotypes and meat pigeon The relationship between laying performance to the level of functional genes from the candidate meat pigeon laying performance reveals molecular genetic mechanism for the meat pigeon breeding of new lines to provide genetic information to draw on. The results showed that: For the ESR gene mutation heterozygous genotype (AB) laying in the number of homozygous genotype (AA) more than 0.7857, the difference was not significant (P> 0.05)
