SNS论文 中文摘要 翻译

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 12:26:38
我要的是人工翻译,用软件翻译的都给我滚一边去 ,没能力就别来!

论文论述了系统需求分析、系统总体架构设计、数据库和各功能模块的详细设计以及编码实现。SNS交友管理系统基于B/S三层架构使用ASP.NET+SQL Server2005技术设计开发的,实现了用户自我管理、好友管理、个人日志、相册、留言板、站内信等交友系统的的一系列功能。为保证数据的完整性和降低误操作带来的损失,采用了验证码和日志跟踪机制,并提供了友善的用户界面,从而使用户可以方便地使用本系统。

SNS-based social Web site popular in China and become an important application of the Internet one of the red string so quickly the risk of investors at home and abroad is extremely concerned about this. China's SNS market is still in its initial stage, characterized by continuously enriched product applications, market entrants increase, the market is expected to remain at a relatively high trend. In the next few years, SNS will be mature and promotion, into the life.
Paper discusses the system requirements analysis, system design of the overall framework, database and functional modules, as well as coding to achieve the detailed design. SNS friends management system is based on B / S three-tier system using ASP.NET + SQL Server2005 technical design and development, and the realization of the user self-management, friends management, personal logs, photo album, message board, the letter points system such as a friend series of functions. In order to ensure data integrity