
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 16:42:36
因为好学生认真学习 ,有一定的学习能力和良好的学习态度,在好学校里面有良好的学习氛围让他们能更好的发挥自己的潜力 。会学得更好、

i think good students should receive good education.
because they study hard .they also have good learning ability and attitude. in a school with good atmosphere ,they can tap their potentials and learn better.
in a good school, good students can communicate with each other so that they can get more flexible mind . it's also helpful for them to create novel ideas.

I think good students should read a good school.
To study hard as well, a certain degree of learning ability and a good learning attitude, there are good schools in good learning atmosphere to enable them to better achieve their potential. Will learn better,
In a good school, good students can learn from each other and exchange of ideas in favor of their divergent thinking will help them to create new knowledge

I think good students should go to good schools.
Because good students study hard. They know how to study and have good altitude towards study. The atmosphere in good schoo