英语: 今天到几点啊?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 10:23:22

what time will it end today?
what time can get off overwork today?
what will we eat tonight?
Are you OK going home alone?
Are you free tomorrow?

1.Until what time , today?

2. What time today should we work extra hours to?

3. what do we eat today?

4. Any problem going back by yourself?

5.Are you free tomorrow? Do you have time tommorrow?

1 when to call it a day today?
2 when can we leave if overwork tonight?
3 what's for lunch/supper today?
4 is it all right for you to go back alone?
5 i have/don't have time tomorrow.

When shall we call it a day?
When shall we finish the overwork?
What are we going to have today?
Is it all right for you going home alone?
Are you free toumorrow?