
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 12:40:44

苗族龙舟竞渡具有悠久的历史,明(嘉靖)《贵州通志》卷三“风俗”记载:“镇远府端阳竞渡。府临河水,舟楫便利,居人先期造龙船,绘画首尾,集众搬演居戏。以箬裹米为粽,弃水中。拽船争先得渡者,是岁做事俱利焉”。清(乾隆)《镇远府志》卷九“风俗”:“重安江由秉入清江。苗人于五月二十五日亦作龙舟戏,形制诡异以大树控槽为舟,两树并合而成。舟极长,约四、五丈,可载三、四十人。皆站立划浆,险极。是日男女极其粉饰,女人富者盛装锦衣,项圈、大耳环,与男子好看者答话,唱歌酬和,已而同语,语至深处,即由此定婚,甚至有时背去者”。清(同治)徐家翰《苗疆闻见录》:“(苗人)好斗龙舟,风以五月二十日为端节,竞渡于清江宽深之处。其舟以大整木刳成,长五、六丈,前安龙头,后置凤尾,中能容二、三十人。短桡激水,行走如飞。”Miao Dragon Boat Race has a long history, tomorrow (Jiajing) "Annals of Guizhou"卷三"custom" it reads: "House Zhenyuan Dragon Boat Festival races. House Linhe water,舟楫facilitate early home-made dragon boat people, drawing both, set the public搬演Home play. Ruo wrapped in brown rice, dumped in the water. drag boat was first to cross, and is working all-year-old Lee Yan. " Qing (Qianlong) "House Zhenyuan志"卷九"custom": "re-entry Qingjiang Anjiang by Law. Hmong in the Boat May 25 may also be used for drama, strange shapes in order to control trough for boat tree, two trees and All together. boat ve