
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 04:11:57
what factors can contribute to a recession ?哪位高人帮帮忙啊~英文回答,感激不尽

high inflation, the increase of CPI and PPI, rate of unemployment and so forth...

consumers not spending their income and circulating it through the economy. consumers not spending means businesses not selling. so business cut their workforce because they can't afford to pay them leading to unemployment which just means more consumers out there not circulating money through the economy and we go round and round and round. unemployed people fall behind on their bills - their car, the home and credit cards. these homes contribute the decline in home values due to foreclosure or short sale stripping people of their equity and any down payment they made. credit lines get closed which hinders spending. and cars get repossessed. but because no one is spending money, car values/sales are down forcing dealers and manufacturers to close down, lay off, or potentially file bankruptcy.
it's all an ugly and nasty game of dominoes.
