
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 07:51:17
Many technologies, including electronics, separation science
and coatings will be enhanced by the ability to control the
structure of materials on a nanometre-length scale. The ability
to pack high densities of memory storage and processing
circuitry into specific nanoscale arrays, and to utilise the
unique transport properties associated with these architectures,
is expected to lead to future generations of computer
processors with device sizes many times smaller and faster
than current silicon-based processors. However, both physical
constraints and economics are expected to limit continued
miniaturisation of electronic and optical devices by using
current "top-down" lithography-based methods.[1] Consequently,
alternative nonlithographic methodologies for constructing
the smallest mesoscopic features of an integrated
circuit will soon be needed. One promising nonlithographic

许多技术,包括电子学,分离科学和涂料学将会通过纳米级原料构成的控制被加强。将高密度存储装置和处理线路包入特殊的纳米阵列,并使用特殊的传导性质连接构架的能力将被期望是引领设计尺寸较现行的硅基处理器有多次的变更变得更小更快的未来处理器的动力。然而,物理系统规定参数和经济学均被期望限制继续电子产品和光学装置的通过现行的自顶向下基于晶片光刻的方法的小型化。 1.