
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 14:34:34

They could not speak english before they offcially wen to school,therefore,their teacher got to teach them in two kinds of languages in class.

Before they went school,they couldn't speak English.So the teacher must speak two languages in class.

they can't speak English before they go to school,so as a teacher, must speak two languages to teach in class.

They can't speak English before go to school,so teacher must teach use two languages.

英语好的就进来,把他们都给我翻译了.要一个一个翻译. 我想学习英语,没有基础,没有上学。 为什么我平时课堂上学英语都挺好的,但一考试却不理想呢? 毕业生毕业之前交不上学费怎么办?急``` 我老公的弟妹上学都是我们供的,但帮一下我们他们都要工资,特不爽。是我太小气还是他们太不懂事? 不上学了如何英语考级? 很想在学习英语,可是英语基础很差怎么办?可是我已经毕业了,不上学了,没有老师! 我是一个高三学生,不上学真的一点前途都没有吗? 李宇春、周笔畅他们最近都回学校上学了吧? 外国人讲话都很含义里有幽默,是翻译的原因吗,他们好象不骂人,是素质高,还是他们的词典里没有这样的词