翻译 汉译英 急!!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 03:50:28
随着Internet的发展,人们对网络可靠性的要求越来越高。 特别是对于终端用户来说,能够时时与网络其他部分保持通信是非常重要的。 虚拟路由器冗余协议(VRRP)提供一种解决方案,能够保证终端用户与网络的联系可靠、稳定、不中断。
翻译好的,再奖励一百分 ,机器翻译不管用,一楼的就是例子,分明是用GOOGLE翻译的,正确率太低

Along with the development of Internet, the required reliability for us becomes higher and higher. Especially to the end-users, it is important to keep the connection with another parts of the Internet. But VRRP provides a resolution that can guarantee the reliable, steady and connected connection between the Internet and the end-users.
In a nutshell, VRRP is a type of fault-tolerance-pact. It can make sure when one router doesn't work another will be replacement as soon as possible. Then it keeps the reliability and sustainability of connection at the same time.
Through the design and practice of the subject, it can improve the level of handling the Internet connection technology under the linux platform. Strengthen the knowledge and qualification to linux system, and make yourself be enough to handle the methods of C++ programming under linux platform based on those skills. Use the multithreading, message queue, linked list, linux command lines and any other skills w