
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 07:41:14
VI(视觉识别Visual Identity 简称VI)是指纯属视觉信息传递的各种形式的统一,是具体化、视觉化的传递形式,是CI中系列项目最多、层面最广、效果最直接的向社会传递信息的部分。它是在企业经营理念的指导下,利用平面设计等手法将企业的内在气质和市场定位视觉化、形象化的结果;是企业作为独立法人的社会存在与其周围的经营及生存的经济环境和社会环境相互区别、联系和沟通的最直接和常用的信息平台。随着社会经济、文化的迅速发展,对于一个企业来说比以往任何时候都需要统一的、集中的 个性的视觉符号来传播自身企业文化和企业形象。

VI (Visual Identity Visual Identity referred to as VI) is the transmission of a purely visual information in various forms of the unity of the concrete, visual form of transmission is a maximum of CI projects in the series, the most extensive level, the effect of the most direct to the community part of the transmission of messages. It is in the business, under the guidance of the concept, design, etc. Using a two-dimensional approach to its inherent quality and market positioning visualization, visualization of results; is a legal entity as an independent society with its operation and the survival of the surrounding economic environment and social the difference between the environment of mutual contact and communication between the most direct and common information platform. With the socio-economic, cultural, the rapid development of a business than ever before the need for a unified, focused on the personality of their own visual symbols to spread corporate culture and corporat