
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 00:30:26
加拿大六年级学生的题目,学科分类是Social Studies,这题是关于欧洲探险者的。老师先给我们看了一个Vodeo,然后给我们一张纸回答问题。这个Video的名字叫 The French Explorers: Samuel de Champlain - "The Father of New France",让我们回答的问题如下(请各位大虾能答几题答几题):

Champlain's First Voyage:(1603)

第一题:Why did the French king want to cliam lands in North America?(大意是:为什么法国国王要在北美索赔土地?)

第二题:Who did the French make an alliance with? Why?(大意是:法国和谁结盟了?为什么?)

第三题:Why was fur so important to Europeans? (大意是:为什么毛皮对于欧洲人这么重要?)

Champlain's Second Voyage:(1604-1607)

第一题:Who was Sieur de monts? What did he want to do?(大意是:谁是探险家monts?)

第二题:What land was claimed for France? Which present day provinces/ states occupied that territory?

第三题:What is significant about Port Royal?

Champlain's Third Voyage:

第一题:Where did Champlain arrive on this voyage?

第二题:What is significant about this place?

第三题:What kinds of development take place here?<

Why did the French king want to cliam lands in North America?

French King want to cliam lands in North America due to serveral reasons.While France was in constant competition with other European countries, establishing new lands and expanding their teritories will gain them more military power and up-grading their status as a powerful country.This is also what leds to the British and France war later.

Who did the French make an alliance with? Why?
我没看video不知道详细指那个group,因为french make alliance with serveral groups.根据我的知识回答的。

The French make an alliance with the Huron, which is a group of Aboriginal people in North America.The British make an alliance with the Iroquois to strengten their military power, the French, however,decided to make an alliance with the Huron, who is the long term enermies of the Iroquois to strengten their military power and learn survival skills from the Hurons.It seem reasonable that the opposing countrie