
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 22:36:27

1.社区服务的许多工作都与照料老人和残疾人有关(be concerned with)
2.妈妈比谁都爱孩子,这是母爱的自然流露(more than)
3.他一辈子从事了许多种职业,但是大部分时间从事教学工作(work on)
4.无论你在比赛中遇到什么样的对手,老师和同学们都永远支持你(back up)
5.作为初中一年级的学生,你应该知道1270能否被300整除(be divided)
6.不管别人对你有什么样的偏见,作为你多年的好朋友我们相信你(believe in)
8.妹妹学习的时候让我把收音机关小点,以免妨碍她学习(turn down)

1. Much of the work of community service with the care of the elderly and the disabled (be concerned with)
2. Mothers love their children than anyone else, it is natural to us in love (more than)
3. He never engaged in a number of occupations, but most of the time engaged in teaching work (work on)
4. No matter what you encounter in the game what kind of opponents, both teachers and students will always support you (back up)
5. As a first year junior high school students, you should know that 1270 can be 300 divisible (be divided)
6. No matter what other people like you have the prejudice, as your good friend for many years, we believe you (believe in)
7. What a wonderful film, I think it is the best I have seen a (regard. .. as ...)
8. Sister of learning time for me to radio clearance of small points, in order not to impede her learning (turn down)

1.Caring for the elderly and the disabled is concerned with much of the work of communi