
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 12:21:59
如题 大概优点80单词 缺点80单词左右
请写的简单一点 初三~高一水平 谢谢

I think that online shopping has its strengths there are weaknesses. The merits of being able to save time, can buy what she wants, but the prices are cheap and convenient. Shortcoming is that kind can not see first-hand experience,buy Fake easily!
So I suggest not to buy things online, we must also see to buy. If you bring a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Convenience includes the overall ease of finding a product, time spent on shopping, minimization of overall shoppoing effort
2. No need for vendors and no pressure to buy
Online shopping benefits both the society as a whole and individuals.
3. Infinite shelfspace available
Consumers desire a variety of products because they look for the right product that will fully satisfy them.
4.Able to compare product price and features
With the online tools that enable product comparison, consumers can compare product prices and features to make a better decision w