Harry potter,popular with most young people,can serve as reading material.

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 06:50:51
这个句子里popular with most young people是定语吧,可是形容词能这样用吗?要说是定语从句的省略,我从语法书上都没见这种用法,谁能解释一下?谢谢

形容词短语做定语, 因为过长, 避免头重脚轻,所以后置,如果单独是popular则需放在前面就ok了



哈利波特,受大多数年轻人欢迎,可以用作阅读材料。作定语,which is popular with....

这句话如果变成定语从句也是可以的:Harry Potter, who is popular with most young people, can serve as reading material.

well,if you consider Harry Potter as our hero Harry's name,of course you won't understand.But the "Harry Potter" here refer to the JK Rowling's Harry Potter series,a book's title.
Then every thing is clear.
The grammar book definitely won't tell you exactly how to create a sentence like this,even a little bit misleading and confusing especially when your English is not so good.The best way to increase either your confidence in doing the multiple choice or the reading and writing skills is through reading.Reading a large amount of materials,magazines,thrillers,rommance