cognos8 安装配置时发现的问题 ,困扰了好几天。

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 05:10:26
Successfully launched a test JVM with the memory setting of '768'. Note that this does not guarantee that IBM Cognos 8 will

start and run successfully.

To see which JVM options are based on this setting, view c8_location/bin/bootstrap_<OS>.xml and see your JVM documentation

for an explanation of those options.

Since the value is empty, the feature is disabled. There is nothing to test.
16:01:22, 'LogService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
16:01:59, CM-SYS-2215 A Content Manager internal PRECACHEINITACTIONS task started.
16:01:59, CM-SYS-2216 A Content Manager internal PRECACHEINITACTIONS task is complete.
16:01:59, CM-SYS-2215 A Content Manager internal POSTINITACTIONS task started.
16:01:59, CM-SYS-2216 A Content Manager internal POSTINITACTIONS task is complete.
16:02:00, 'ContentManagerService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
16:02:00, CM-SYS-5159

Double check on Cognos configuration, especially the related dispatcher configuration. The dispatcher could not connect to Content manager at the time

测试你的cm能够连接成功么?而且cm只能使用UTF-8编码的数据库,所以一般使用sql server,用oracle比较费劲,你看是不是这个原因,