英语作文 150 子 急需 谢谢 题目如下

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 23:33:10
In General,people are living longer now.Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. Use specific reasons and details to develop your eassy

(Minimum 150 words)

Modern life and compared with the past, a lot of people today live longer. Before the average life expectancy in the 40-year-old, modern people are twice before.
Modern life-a variety of reasons, such as: Food, health, science and technology, education, sports fitness, lifestyle and so on.
Everyone wants to live longer, although modern technology has developed, but another worrying issue is the spirit of modern pressure, a lot of young people in jobs in the already suffering from occupational diseases, so if we want good health and longevity I think there are a few tips: good eating habits, regular exercise fitness, maintain a healthy and progressive attitude, health, longevity is the premise.

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