DELL 530S,想同时用两台显示器,分别接DVI和VGA,只连一台没问题,同时连不行,如何解决

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/06 20:54:47
连两台显示器时,开机有提示为:Attention :Unsupported video configuration Detected
Action is required
This computer has an add-in graphics card,but the monitor cable is plugged into the intergrated video connection.
To attoch the monttor cable to the add-in graghics card
1.shut down the computer
2.plug the montor cable into the add-in graphics card connection this may require a video adgrer or video adpter cable
3.Turn on the computer
This messege should not qppeer after completing these steps
For more information or help,please refer to the system documentation
Press F1 to contine,F2to enter setup(电脑为dell台式机530S,系统为xp)

您好你加了一块独立显卡(an add-in graphics card),但是却把显示信号线插到主板上的集成显卡上了(,but the monitor cable is plugged into the intergrated video connection.)。

解决方法(Action is required):
1、把显示信号线从主板上的集成显卡上拔下来,注意要先关机(1.shut down the computer)。
2、把显示信号线(video adpter cable)插到你的独立显卡的接口上去(plug the montor cable into the add-in graphics card connection )。

你加了一块独立显卡(an add-in graphics card),但是却把显示信号线插到主板上的集成显卡上了(,but the monitor cable is plugged into the intergrated video connection.)。

解决方法(Action is required):
1、把显示信号线从主板上的集成显卡上拔下来,注意要先关机(1.shut down the computer)。
2、把显示信号线(video adpter cable)插到你的独立显卡的接口上去(plug the montor cable into the add-in graphics card connection )。
