
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 16:33:25
The Gateway Arch is the tallest man-made monument in the Western Hemisphere. At 630 feet, the Arch is 75 feet taller than the Washington Monument and over twice as tall as the Statue of Liberty! The 60-foot heads carved on the face of Mount Rushmore are designed to the scale of men who would stand 465 feet tall, a height that would easily allow such giants to walk through the legs of the Arch! The Arch surpasses Egypt's Great Pyramid (450ft) in height, but is smaller than the Eiffel Tower (984ft). While The Gateway Arch is America's tallest monument, several buildings, such as New York's Empire State Building (1250ft) and Chicago's Sears Tower (1454ft) would loom over the Arch.

高度,将很容易地允许这样的巨人走过腿的拱桥!凯旋门超过埃及的大金字塔( 450英尺)的高度,但小于艾菲尔铁塔(九百八十四英尺) 。虽然拱门是美国最高的纪念碑,一些建筑物,如纽约帝国大厦( 1250英尺)和芝加哥西尔斯大厦(一千四百五十四英尺)将笼罩拱。

在拱门是最高的人为纪念碑在西半球。在630英尺,凯旋是75英尺高度超过华盛顿纪念碑和超过两倍高自由女神像!在60英尺元首雕刻面对泰山北斗旨在规模男子谁将会465英尺高,高度,将很容易地允许这样的巨人走过腿的拱桥!凯旋门超过埃及的大金字塔( 450英尺)的高度,但小于艾菲尔铁塔(九百八十四英尺) 。虽然拱门是美国最高的纪念碑,一些建筑物,如纽约帝国大厦( 1250英尺)和芝加哥西尔斯大厦(一四五四英尺)将笼罩拱。

The 60-foot heads carved on the face of Mount Rushmore are designed to the scale of men who would stand 465 feet tall, a height that would easily allow such giants to walk through the legs of the Arch! 查它的语法结构