请用英文解释一下什么是“连锁反应(chain reaction)”,急求!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 07:48:17

chain reaction


选第二个 WIKIPEDIA 就有了!

A chain reaction is a sequence of reactions where a reactive product or by-product causes additional reactions to take place. In a chain reaction, positive feedback leads to a self-amplifying chain of events.

chain reaction —— A series of events in which each induces or influences the next.

A chain reaction is a sequence of reactions where a reactive product or by-product causes additional reactions to take place. In a chain reaction, positive feedback leads to a self-amplifying chain of events. Examples of chain reactions include:

The neutron-fission chain reaction: a neutron plus a fissionable atom causes a fission resulting in a larger nu