
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 18:14:35

A new phase in the new century, the CPC Central Committee and State Council to expand domestic demand and promoting consumption to promote the establishment of long-term strategy for national economic development policy and the basic point of departure. Tourism is the third important component of the industry, is the world's fastest-growing emerging industries, as the "sunrise industry." "The State Council on Accelerating the development of the service sector a number of opinions" should be made to the building of a well-off society around the goal of transformation and upgrading of consumption structure and the requirements to develop tourism, culture, sports and leisure and recreation services for the people's livelihood.
With a well-off society in China continue to promote China's tourism industry is facing major development opportunities: China's sustained and rapid economic growth, tourism growth in demand is bound to play a fundamen