
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 09:17:40
谢绝自动软件 纯手工制作 地道英文 谢谢英语达人啦

1 我只知道那是一个很大的城市,还有拜仁慕尼黑俱乐部.

2 在我上高中的时候,我非常喜欢拜仁慕尼黑。德国和中国相差了几乎6个小时。我总是在半夜起来看现场直播,为此我上学还迟到过几次

3 06年的世界杯你去现场看球了吗?德国队VS意大利,我和我妈打赌谁会赢,结果我输给了我妈妈200RMB,不过那场球赛真的很精彩。

1. I only know that it is a really big city. It also has a Bayern Munich club.

2.When I was in high school, I liked Bayern Munich very much. Germany and China has six hours of time difference, so I always stay at night to see the live games. Sometimes I was even late for school because of that.

3. Did you go to see the real FIFA World Cup in 2006? Germany vs. Italy, I was betting with my mom about who will win, then I lost for 200 RMB. But still that game was really great!

1.I only know that it is a great city, as well as Bayern Munich.
2.In my high school, I like Bayern Munich. Germany and China, there is a difference of almost six hours. I always look up in the middle of the night live, and I was also late to school several times
3.World Cup 2006 to the scene you watch it? Germany VS Italy, and I bet my mother who would win, the result I lost my mother 200RMB, but there is really exciting race.