
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 14:00:33
1、 Carrie is emailing her friend Colin directions to her apartment. Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box and the maps. Some items may have more than one right answer.

next to near of in front of on the at in on

Hi Colin,
Here are directions from your apartment to my apartment. Near you apartment building there is a big bank. It’s __________ the corner ______ Washington and Willow. Walk there and turn right on Willow. My apartment building isn’t on the corner, but it’s __________ there. I live ______ 1743 Willow Road. There’s a newsstand __________________ my building. My building is __________________ a doctor’s office. My apartment is number is 313, and it’s __________ third floor. I’ll be ______ school until 3:00, so come at 4:00.
See you then!

on(the corner)
看这句:My apartment building isn’t on the corner,题目用的也是on the corner。

at(the corner)of(washington)
near(there); on(1743)
in front of(my building); next to(a doctor...)
on (thrid); at(school)

on.near,in front of,on,at,next to,on,of