
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/19 16:07:41

I'm writing to tell you that I have some questions about how to apply for the pre-university course in your school.

First,I'd like to introduce myself. I am a student of a senior high school in Shanghai and just finished Grade two. As one of the top students in my school,that I can't attend the university entrance examination in Shanghai really puzzled me.(I must back to my hometown to attend it,but the examination there is tremendously different from it in Shanghai) So I decide to further my study abroad.

Then what troubled me is that I'm 17 years old now and I'm not old enough to apply for the pre-university course. That I need to attend another pre-university course after I finishing the Grade three in your school is the reason why I don't want to enroll in the high school courses. That's really a waste of time. If it is possible I'd like to spend one year or one an

As one of the top students in my school,that I can't attend the university entrance examination in Shanghai really puzzled me.
(I must (加个 go吧)back to my hometown to attend it,but the examination there is tremendously different from it(去掉it) in Shanghai). 出国的动机很诡异。好歹说说想学学外国先进文化技术,以后为祖国做贡献啥的。。。这个理由太神奇了。。。我一中国人都理解不了,何况外国人。再说他们的pre-univ course根本也不算真正的上大学,跟高三没有本质区别。
错误太多了。。。that I need to attend another pre-university course after I finishing (把ing去了) the Grade three in your school is the reason;
Finally,I haven't got (gotten...) my... English is not my strengths(删了吧,申请学校没人到处说自己弱点是什么的),英语都不行了后面写:it doesn't matter...这句好歹也是学校人说不可能自己说无所谓吧-_-...henceforth 这个词太文绉绉了,用在这里不伦不类。
另外,whatever you say I will accept。太雷人了。这给人的感觉根本就是个没思想的小孩-_-Please response me soon.这句可以删掉,没权利命令人家。笑脸符号也可以删了。这种信件基本还是要严肃的。
