初一英语作文 怎样预防甲型H1N1 60词左右

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 14:26:18
简单一点 不要太复杂
不要有太多的生词 初一水平的

According to the World Health Organization circular, US and Mexico has the human to infect A/H1N1 the Type A H1N1 flu epidemic situation. Since March 18, 2009, the Mexican flu type case has assumed the trend of escalation. Up to April 24, Mexico has 3 epidemic situations successively, altogether reported that the case 882 examples, die 62 examples, the case fatality rate 7%, majority of cases for young adults crowd. At the same time, the US reported that 7 example diagnosis case and 9 example suspected cases, the case symptom is light, does not have the death. According to the laboratory examination's preliminary result, formerly not examined in the pig or the humanity causes this epidemic situation Type A H1N1 flu A/H1N1 virus.
it is known that after the human infects the Type A H1N1 flu's symptom and cold is similar, the patient will appear has a fever, the cough, wearily, to have a poor appetite and so on. In the prevention aspect, Xu Ruiheng thought that the present