
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 18:34:05
谢绝翻译软件 纯手工打造地道美式口语

1 这个周末我和我朋友去电影院看了变形金刚2,我感觉没有第一部好看,不过依然还是很精彩,你去看了吗?

2 你们好久开始放假? 快要考试了吗? 我们这边的学生已经放假了,要到9月才会去学校了.

3 你喜欢动物吗?你听说过熊猫吗?我的家乡是熊猫的故乡.

4 我最想去的地方是非洲大草原,那里有很多野生的动物.我最想看到的是雄狮.它真的太漂亮了.

1.This weekend I went to the theatre to see Transform II with my friend. I don't think it's better than the first version, but it's still wonderful. Have you seen it?
2.When will your summer holiday begin? Will you have your exam recently? Students here have already finished this term, and will start a new term in September.
3.Do you like animals? have you ever heard pada? my hometown is the hometown of panda.
4.The place i want to visit most is Afican prairie, where has many wild animals. The animal I want to see most is lion. It's really fantastic.
噢 终于翻好了!!

(1).This weekend,I saw the film "Tansformers 2" companied with friends.Through I didn't regard it excellent as"Tansformers 1", it was still remarkable.Have you watched it?

(2).When to get a long holiday,or when to get a term exam.We had been free stayed out of school in a long time and would return in September.

(3).What do you think of an