how to avoid culture shock?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/03 00:58:36
During the process of globalization, the situation of cultural clashes is unavoidable, which leads to the phenomenon of “culture shock”. Discuss the causes of the phenomenon and give some suggestion on how to avoid it in no less than 200 words.

Why do cultures clash? Culture clashes occur when we judge the behaviour of a person from another culture using our own values.
For example, a British approach to time may be that there is never enough and so we use it carefully and make sure we don't waste it. Another culture may see time as something they don't need to control so strictly and see a flexible response to things as more useful. These two different approaches can quickly lead to clashes in a business setting.
So how can I avoid culture clashes?
Well, you can either choose to live the life of a recluse and avoid all contact with other people who are different to you … Or you can look at raising awareness of your own culture, such as what values you have around things like time management and so on.
By understanding your own preferences, you will be better prepared when you meet different ways of doing things. Also, keep an open mind, people have reasons to act the way they do – find out what