
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 11:26:36

The Little Man

I once knew a little man. He grew every day twenty-four hours older without becoming any taller or larger. This made him unhappy. For he wished very much to be tall and large like other men. He could not bear people say, “good morning, my LITTLE man!”

One day a bright idea came into his mind. He would go to the shoemaker’s and have a pair of heels put on his shoes. That would make him taller, at least, he thought. And people stop calling him “little man”

The shoemaker was very kindly set to work. When he had finished and been paid, he said, “I hope that I pleased you and you will call another day. Good-bye, my little man.”

The little gentleman walked away, greatly hurt. The shoemaker did not show much respect for his feelings. “It will be different with the doctor. Doctors knew everything,” he thought, “He will open his eyes and greet me by another name.”

So he went at once to the doctor’s. he kept


我曾经认识一个矮人。 他每天慢慢的变老,但就是不会长高。 他对这件事很不开心,因为他想和其他男人一样高大强壮。 他不能忍受别人跟他讲:“早上好, 我的矮人!”

一天他有了一个很好的主意。 他要到鞋匠那里去买一双高跷。 这样他就会长高一点了。 至少这样人们就不会把他叫做矮人了。

鞋匠很勤劳的做好了高跷。 当他收到矮人的付款时, 他说:“ 我希望这样你会开心点。 再见! 我的矮人!”

矮人心里受伤了,他觉得鞋匠并没有对他表示出任何尊敬。 于是他去找医生, 希望医生会以专业的角度看他, 不要再叫他矮人了。

当他到了医生那里时, 他昂首阔步, 挺肩抬头, 好像一个随时备战的士兵一样。

“早安! 矮子!” 医生说,“我能为你做些什么?”



我曾经认识一个矮人。 他每天慢慢的变老,但就是不会长高。 他对这件事很不开心,因为他想和其他男人一样高大强壮。 他不能忍受别人跟他讲:“早上好, 我的矮人!”

一天他有了一个很好的主意。 他要到鞋匠那里去买一双高跷。 这样他就会长高一点了。 至少这样人们就不会把他叫做矮人了。

鞋匠很勤劳的做好了高跷。 当他收到矮人的付款时, 他说:“ 我希望这样你会开心点。 再见! 我的矮人!”

矮人心里受伤了,他觉得鞋匠并没有对他表示出任何尊敬。 于是他去找医生, 希望医生会以专业的角度看他, 不要再叫他矮人了。

当他到了医生那里时, 他昂首阔步, 挺肩抬头, 好像一个随时备战的士兵一样。

“早安! 矮子!” 医生说,“我能为你做些什么?”



我是没事干的孩子 XD~~
