
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 16:38:16
作文题目:假如你的班主任要求你班参加社会实践活动,你选择到一家书店,请根据下表提示,用英语写一篇周记。下面是表格的信息:书店位置是大学城附;近书店经营特色:①书种类多,趣味性强;②多彩海报招来读者③低价吸引读者④不时开展旧书折价换新书的活动 。 作文开头已给出,开头是Last weekend,i went to a bookstore to do my practical jod. 这是开头!请用五句话写完!

Last weekend,i went to a bookstore to do my practical job.

the job which help to sell books in the bookstore near the University City

the bookstore ,there are various and interesting books in it ,also colorful posters and cheap books to attract readers;sometimes to carry out the activities of a discount for new books.