英语高手 翻译短文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 06:34:45

Sally Jones is only four she goes to school at eight every morning she draws pictures and takes them home.sally shows the pictures to her mother.Her mother can't understand them.

2:bill and tom were walking in the forest one day,and stopped to pick up some nuts under tree, they heard a strange noise coming from a hole in the tree. bill climbed up to look in. two baby squirrels were inside.crying for their mother. someone killed her and left the babies to die .each of the boy squirrel in his jacket pocket and carried it home. there the boys made a soft bed in a box for the little animals,and fed them warm milk from a small bottle. the squirrels soon grew round and fat. bill and tom liked them very much.

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Sally Jones is only four she goes to school at eight every morning she draws pictures and takes them home.sally shows the pictures to her mother.Her mother can't understand them.
Sally Jones 只有四岁。她每天上午八点上学。她在学校里学画画然后把画带回家给妈妈看。妈妈看不懂他画的画。

2:bill and tom were walking in the forest one day,and
Bill和Tom 一天在森林里散步,
stopped to pick up some nuts under tree, they heard a
strange noise coming from a hole in the tree. bill climbed
up to look in. two baby squirrels were inside.crying for
their mother. someone killed her and left the babies to
die .each of the boy squirrel in his jacket pocket and
carried it home. there the boys made a soft bed in a box for
the little animals,and fed them warm milk from a small
bottle. the squirrels