
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 03:33:24
句子是 因为你的懦弱、胆怯,因为你可怜的自尊和可笑的自卑,你只能默默的看着她,眼睁睁地看着她偎依在别人的怀抱里,在记忆里的她渐渐模糊直至消退的同时默默地承受着煎熬与悔恨。此生无缘,下辈子一定娶她。要求不要有语法错误,如果能把中文再润色一下翻译更好。

Because of your weak, is timid, because of your pitiful self-esteem and laughable being self-abased, you can only mute watching she, is looking at the bosom lining let her snuggle up to in others helplessly , at the same time mixing up gradually until disappearing in her inside the memory is being born silently suffering and regretting that. This life does not have the good luck by which people are brought together , next life definitely marries her.