电脑坏了 帮忙看看

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 12:35:34
电脑启动cpu转 硬盘也转 就是开机出现黑屏并写有以下文字,
Press DEL to run Setup
press <F8> to BBS popup
checking NVRAM
Initializing USB controllers......Done
512MB >|<
Auto-Detecting Pri Mast...IDE hard Disk
DriMaster:S734082A 353
Ultra DMA Mode-5,SM.A.R.T.Capable and Statusok

Auto-detecting USB Mass Storage Derices....
oo USB mass storage devices found and configued
secondarg slave Dvive-ATAPI Incompatible
press F1 to Resume
会不会是主板坏了?或者主板电容坏了!可我同学的电脑主板烧了,起电脑都没有反映的! 我没插u盘或移动硬盘!
a problen has been detected and windows has been shut dowm to prevent damage to your

if this is the first time you have seen this stop error screen,restart your computer.if this

screen appears again,follow these step:
run a system disgnostic utility supplied by your hardware manufacturer.in particular,run

amemory check,and check for faulty or mis

按F1就好了 没事

一般是由于有问题的硬件(比如:内存)或某些软件引起的. 有时超频也会产生这个错误.
◇解决方案:用检测软件(比如:Memtest86)检查内存, 如果进行了超频, 请取消超频. 将PCI硬件插卡从主板插槽拔下来, 或更换插槽. 另外, 有些主板(比如:nForce2主板)在进行超频后, 南桥芯片过热也会导致蓝屏, 此时为该芯片单独增加散热片往往可以有效解决问题.

