
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 12:37:52
In 1991, the Bryants moved back to the United States. A spectacular high school career at Lower Merion High School in the Philadelphia suburb of Lower Merion, brought national recognition. While his SAT score of 1080[2] would have ensured his basketball scholarship to various top-tier colleges, the 17-year-old Bryant made the controversial decision to go directly to the NBA. Early NBA career 1996 Draft Even before he was chosen as the 13th draft pick overall by the Charlotte Hornets in 1996

1991年, Bryants搬回美国。一项别开生面的高中生涯,下美浓高中在费城郊区的0.5分,使国家的承认。虽然他的高考成绩1080 [ 2 ]将保证他的篮球奖学金,各种顶级学院, 17岁的科比了有争议的决定,直接进入NBA的。早期的NBA生涯1996年草案即使在他被选为第13届选秀的整体夏洛特黄蜂队在1996年 。 标准的