
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 10:26:06

Under a master for the translation!
  要求:用容易理解的英语翻译公司公章管理制度一、公司公章由综合管理办公室负责管理,未经总经理或总裁批准不得随意交由他人管理和使用。 Requirements: easy to understand by the English translation of a company official management system, the company official responsible for the integrated management of the Office of management, without a general manager or president should not be approved by the management and use of others. 因故需临时交接,须经总经理或总裁批准并严格办理交接手续二、 一般性介绍信及身份证明,须经综合管理办公室负责人或公章主管人员审核后,方可盖章,以备查。 Required on a temporary transfer for any reason, subject to the approval of the general manager or president and strict procedures for the transition II, the general letter of introduction and identification, shall be subject to integrated management of the office or official in charge is responsible for vetting personnel before they are allowed to seal for future reference.
  三、对加盖公章的材料,应注意落款单位必须与印章一致,用印位置恰当,要骑年盖月,字组端正,图形清晰。 Third, on the official seal of the material, care should be taken to be inscribed with