
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 07:27:05
In English.the apple is related to the teacher in two ways.Firstly,the apple is indirectly associated with the teacher because it is regarded as the symbol of the fruit of knowledge that the teacher bringr to students.Secondly,there is also the idea of bringing an apple to the teacher.This probably originated in New England in the early days of public education when teachers were paid mainly in goods and services. Nowadays,presenting an apple to the teacher is interpreted as a gesture of good will. The practice probably arose from the students'desire to please the teacher,thus increasing their chances for more favorable grader.This custom has now given way to parents' contributions of money for the improvement of school facilities.

我来帮你拉. 等等哦.

在英语里面, "苹果"这个词对于老师来说有两种含义. 第一种, "苹果"间接地和老师联系上主要是因为老师把苹果做为所有水果的代表来给学生传授关于水果的知识. 第二种,也有把苹果带给老师的意思.这可能是源自于新英格兰社会教育的初始阶段,当时老师都是主要以物品和服务来做为工作报酬的.

目前来说,把一个苹果送给老师意味着一种好意的表示.这样的做法可能源自于学生希望取悦老师,以此来增加他们得到更好成绩的机会. 这个词语现在还用在家长们为了改善学校设施而做出的捐献上面.

英文中是有关教师在两个ways.Firstly ,苹果是间接相关的老师,因为它被认为是象征水果的知识,老师bringr以students.Secondly ,还有想法把苹果的teacher.This可能起源于新英格兰初期时的公共教育的教师工资主要集中在货物和服务。如今,介绍了苹果的教师被解释为一种善意表示。这种做法可能产生的students'desire ,请老师,从而增加他们的机会,更有利的grader.This定制现已让位给家长的捐款资金用于改善学校设施。