
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 11:17:35
It is important to use resources productively, whether those resources are natural and physical or human and capital. Environmental progress demands that companies innovate to raise tesource productivity-and that is precisely what the new challenges of global competition demand.Resisting innovation that reduces pollution,as the U.S.car industry did in the 1970’s, will lead not only to environmental damage but also to the loss of competitiveness in the global economy. Developing countries that stick with resource~wasting methods and forgo environmental standards because they are “too expensive” will remain uncompetitive,relegating themselves to poverty.
How an industry responds to environmental problems may, in fact, be a leading indicator of its overall competitiveness. Environmental regulation does not lead inevitably to innovation and competitiveness or to higher productivity for all companies. Only those companies that innovate successfully will win. Aruly competitive industr

It is important to use resources productively, whether those resources are natural and physical or human and capital.
Environmental progress demands that companies innovate to raise tesource productivity-and that is precisely what the new challenges of global competition demand.
Resisting innovation that reduces pollution,as the U.S.car industry did in the 1970’s, will lead not only to environmental damage but also to the loss of competitiveness in the global economy.
Developing countries that stick with resource~wasting methods and forgo environmental standards because they are “too expensive” will remain uncompetitive,relegating themselves to poverty.
How an industry responds to environmental problems may, in fact, be a leading indicator of its overall competi