翻译 汉译英 帮忙检查下错误 急急

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 04:16:08
显然他对自己的能力缺乏信心It was clear that she carked confididence in her abicity
那男孩用他的刀子换了一把玩具手枪The bog trabe his kinife for a toy gun
地震使2000多人丧生The earthguake accoun ted for over tovo thousand
他们按小时向客人收费They charge customers on an hourty basis
那些摄影作品昨天开始展出The photographs went on display yesterday
我们强烈反对即使下雨也要去郊游的建议We are strongly opposed to the suggestion of going out ever if it rains
对于大部分学生而言,英语是大学里最重要的课程之一To most sudents,English is one of the most impontant course in college
这项法律不适用于本案The can doesn’t apply to this case
令人惊讶的是,我找到了书里所描述的地方It was astonishing that I found the place described in the book

1是Please focus on your English language learning to write an essay paragraph
2是Simply put, I would like to help students improve the ability of speaking and writing
3是There are indications that the accident was partly due to the driver's carelessness, partly due to bad weather abandoned
4是If he can out of this alone to answer math problems, then he must be very smart
5是Mobile library service has been re-arranged, that is, to a decrease of the local
6是Even if I have to walk all the way, I also want to go there

It was clear that she carked confididence in her abicity
[It was clear that she lacks confidence in her own ability]

The bog trabe his kinife for a toy gun
[The boy exchanged his knife for a toy gun]

The earthguake accoun ted for over tovo thousand
[The earthquake accounted for the loss of over two thousand lives]

They charge customers on an hourty basis
[They charge customers on hourly basi