初二 英语 正确翻译 请详细解答,谢谢! (8 20:38:30)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 15:36:05
1. Will you piease show me                          (正确的答案)
2。My little daughter is                       (善于拼写)
3.she speaks very fast and i can"t                           (重复她的话)
4.An                 (一名优秀的老师),she love her students a lot
5. we can                         (提高我们的英语水平)by watching

1、piease?是please吧,Will you show me the correct answer( to the question)

2、My little daughter is good at spelling

3、She speaks very fast and Ican"t repeat her words

4、An excellent teacher,she loves her student a lot

5、We can improve our English by watching


1 the correct answers
2 good at writting
3 repeat what she said
4 an outstanding teacher
5 improve our English level

show me correct answers.

is good at spelling.

repeat her words.

excellent teacher

improve our English

the right answer
good at spelling
repeat what she said
excellent teacher
impove our English

the correct answer?
good at spelling。
repeat her words.
outstanding teacher(这个句子你打错了吧?)
improve our standard of English

show me right answers.
good at spell
repeat her words.
outstanding teacher