as waiters.we deal with customers every day and when something goes wrong 的全文?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 03:31:33

As waiters, we deal with customers every dayand when something goes wrong, somehow we have
the ability to keep on going. It's ourresponsibility to __1__ the customer.
I remember my first __2__ job wasat a fine restaurant. One afternoon, the manager informed all the
cooks and waiters that a VIP __3__were coming for lunch. The group were __4__ VIPs in the city's
fashion industry.
After the group arrived and got __5__comfortably, drinks were __6__. Normally, the head waiter
would be in charge of wine service. __7__,the manager asked me to serve that afternoon. I had __8__
done wine service, nor had I ever serveda group of twelve.
I arranged 12 wine glasses on thetray and went to the table. As I __9__ one of the glasses in front
of the first customer, somehow I had __10__my grip(抓,握)and six glasses fell on top of a young
woman, and then to the floor and __11__in pieces. I felt frightened and my face turned re