
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 18:35:59
i am usign windows ME, it only has one C: drive.
so i downloaded i tool called "Partition_Magic_8.05"
and tried to use that to creat a D: drive.
when i was about to finish the last process, the systerm told me that the
softwear (Partition_Magic_8.05) wasn't was missing a file.
so i exit the program.

when i restart the computer, before enter the windows,
the "XXX mapXXX" thing poped up.
i thought it was the hard drive spliter .
so i followed the steps ....
after a long while...
it talls me that the "XXX"(can't remember that)
is complete, and it may need reboot the computer to take affect..
so i rebooted it .
i couldn't get in the windows........
not even the safemade.......
i don't have the win.ME setUP CD.
no windows disk...
and it's not possible for me to borrow one from somebody....

i am using a public comp. in the Wan


要不你就是语法学得太烂 要不你就是那学习不好的外国人..

你在网吧把电脑干溃了 直接喊”网管 机子有毛病..

网吧最简单的方法就是 找一台配置一模一样的 把正常电脑C盘直接覆盖的你那台....

为什么还用WINME呢?无法进入系统必须要用其它启动盘启动电脑才能完成修复,如果可能建议你用U盘PE系统启动电脑,重新安装系统,可以安装深度精简版XP SP3,对硬件要求不高,还有一种方法就是把硬盘挂到其它电脑复制安装文件,完成系统安装

我就不明白了,你在网吧居然可以这样,网吧的电脑可是有还原卡的,应该是那个分区软件和网吧的保护冲突了,不过我想知道你在哪里上网,竟然系统是win me,太老了。不过你确实很有才,除了一点语法错误,都是正确的。再告诉你个单词:网吧,internet cafe!现在你要做的就是下机走人,那个故障对网吧来讲就不是个问题,不过不要被抓住哦。


分区后没有将系统盘设定为作用分区,系统装进去了!但是不能通过正常的引导进入 windows 将你硬盘的系统分区设定为作用就可以了!