
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:07:58
1.How many holiday are three in spring ?
2.My family go to the beach.
3.What do you play football?
4.I also love in watch the leaves fall.
5.I does morning exercises at 7:30.

1.How many holiday are three in spring ?
How many holidays are ... 注意名词复数
2.My family go to the beach.
My family are going to the beach.将来时态
或者My family went to the beach.过去时态
my family此处指全家人,可以认为是复数,但用一般现在时态却是表示经常这样做,情理不通。
3.What do you play football?
Where do you play football?(问地点)
或者When do you play football?(问时间)
4.I also love in watch the leaves fall.
watch 是动词,不可以做介词in的宾语。要么说love to watch(后跟不定式),要么说love watching(后跟动名词)
5.I does morning exercises at 7:30.
I do morning exercises at 7:30.
或者He does morning exercises at 7:30.

1.holidays 可数名字
3.play with

when/where/how do you play football 或者 what do you play?
love watching
I do

1.How many holidays are there in spring?
2.My family goes to the beach.
3.What time do you play football?(When do you play football?)
4.I also