
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/01 07:46:48


First, Let’s give
you a warm welcome and sincere thanks. We appreciate very much that you have
come to visit our school in spite of the long and tiring journey.


There is an old
saying in Chinese which goes : “Isn’t it a great pleasure to have friends
coming from afar. ” As the moment of thinking you coming into our school, we
are so excited, and we looking forward to feeling the beauty of native English
as well as the mystery of faraway country.


In a word, we hope you will enjoy your staying here.

Welcome to our school. We are so happy to see you here. I hope you enjoy yourselves in our school.

现在我们学校需要在一台计算机上开启BBS服务。我该怎么弄?PS:我是新手,麻烦各位前辈讲得详细一点好吧 我们学校来了个加拿大外教我想和他对话该说什么呢?在线等!急!! 外教作业,好难,来此求助各位高手---- 外教侮辱我们同学 现在在一间学校工作,然后到别的学校应聘,应聘学校问你为什么要离职而来我们学校,应怎样回答呢? 又要麻烦各位,高一数学题 在国内学日语怎么练口语?我们学校有三个日本外教 我刚来广州读书可我们学校的一先人老是叼难我笑我很是气我也没他们的办法我到底要怎么办请各位教导一下 请各位帮忙提供需要聘请外教的学校信息。谢谢!!! 保定市新世纪学校教学质量怎么样?麻烦各位告诉我一声.先谢了.